Welcome to my blog! My name is Marie and I am an ESL teacher living in Mexico. I am passionate about sharing my strategies, resources, and tips for teaching!
I started my teaching career as a Spanish English bilingual teacher. Now I teach English in Mexico at a bilingual, eco-friendly school. I teach 1st and 2nd grade.
I have noticed that there is a lack of quality resources for ESL teachers. Many ESL curriculums move through topics too quickly, before students grasp concepts and necessary vocabulary. My mission is to share my ESL activities, tips, and growing curriculum with fellow ESL teachers!
When I am not teaching I am most definitely doing something active! I love all things outdoors and my favorite after school activities include surfing, hiking, jungle walking with my dog, and running! Being active is such an important part of my identity and I love living in beautiful Mexico where I can be outside year round!